Saturday 24 February 2018

Pros and Cons of PC gaming

Lets start off with the pros of PC gaming, for starters PC gaming offers better graphics and visual appearance compared to most gaming consoles. If you look at your PS4 or Xbox One you can probably see that the graphics are nowhere near as good as a gaming PC. Secondly PC gaming offers way more memory than what your getting on a console. For example: The standard PS4 comes with 500 gigabytes of memory that can be used to install games. However, as from experience I think we have all learned that the memory gets occupied fast. If you look most gaming computers today the  memory has at least been 1 terabyte. Now I know what your thinking, your probably saying oh why don't i just upgrade the memory to make my PS4 or Xbox One, 1 terabyte or just buy the console with the option of more memory, well that brings me to my next point. Computers today have way better processing speeds that gaming consoles. For instance, if you look at the PS4, the processing speed is 1.6ghz which is pretty darn slow if weren't for the software on the console whereas the Xbox One X has recently upgraded the processing speed to 2.3ghz at 8 cores. Thus being a significant improvement to console gaming. However, this article isn't about comparing console gaming, its about PC Gaming. Looking at PC gaming in the long-run is better value for money in my opinion, for example: If you just look at the price of consoles when its newly released, you can see each console starts at least 400-500$. With the amount of money that people spend on consoles every few years you could easily use that money to make easy upgrades on your PC to keep up with the latest trends in PC gaming. 

I know I may be a bit biased with the cons on PC gaming but I will try to give my best critique on PC gaming. For starters, the price of buying a gaming PC is pretty expensive. If you look at the PC gaming prices buying from BestBuy or any online retailers the prices are crazy. Most PC's are easily starting at a minimum of $800 but even then your still not getting nowhere nearly as much value for that price. Which is why always tell people to go with the option of building you own PC. Which brings me to my second point in PC gaming, which is the fact that graphics card prices have been inflates in the past year from 2017-2018 to the craze of Bitcoin mining. However it is still possible to find decent graphics cards that'll be suitable for your gaming needs. Now i know that i said you could build your own PC and I know that sounds scary because i myself don't want to spend tons of money and break then entire system with my carelessness. However, you can actually go to a lot of PC part shops that will allow you to choose the parts for your build and then they will assemble it for you. It might add onto the cost of the PC but it's still worth it if you don't really want to get involved in something that you don't know. Another point i want to make is the time and research that goes into searching for parts. For example: There a ton of parts in the PC world, that you will have to do some research to figure out if your build will work or not. Which does take time and especially if your new to PC gaming it can be quite challenging. Image result for graphics card

Final Verdict 
Now after doing some thinking, i do want to point out that if you do want to buy a console that's perfectly okay but in my opinion i believe the PC gaming is the way to go. Generally i like to get a PC with pretty fast processing speed and RAM but as far as graphics cards go i would always go with a graphics card that meets the requirements for the games you want to run. Now i know i tried to go in depth as much as i could. However i know some of the pros in pc gaming will say i didn't touch all the aspects of PC gaming. See that's the thing, PC gaming has a lot of factors that are pretty significant. This may seem tedious at first once you get the hang of research parts you'll probably be an expert in no-time. As i do finally mention that if you are ready to get into PC gaming i would definitely recommend checking out some websites that i did mention down below. Enjoy PC gaming! 


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